Tracking media consumption, exploring new content, and engaging in challenges with friends.


10 Weeks


Lead Designer






In today's fast-paced world, people find it challenging to keep track of their media consumption, such as books, audiobooks, and podcasts. With increasing content available, it becomes difficult to remember where one left off or which content was consumed. Additionally, people often struggle to find new content to consume and seek recommendations from their social circle. People often lack the motivation to read or listen to content regularly, and they may find it isolating to consume media alone.


What’s the background?

Individuals desire a way to track their progress in consuming media, sharing their progress, and being able to discover new content through recommendations and challenges through the help of friends and others.

Imagine the potential of consolidating various media types into a single, improved platform.

What’s the problem?

People want an easy way to monitor their media consumption, share their progress, and discover new content. A tool is needed that helps them stay motivated and connected with friends and others through recommendations and challenges.

The question is…

Is there a digital solution that helps people keep track of their media consumption, find new content recommendations, and stay motivated to read or listen regularly while facilitating a sense of community among media consumers?

What’s the solution?

Tracking your media consumption progress, sharing it on a social platform, staying motivated to consume regularly, and discovering new content through recommendations and challenges.

  • Personalize content recommendations based on user preferences

  • Create new group challenges

  • Viewing existing groups and discussion board

  • Provide a social feed for engaging with friends

  • Allow adding new content to the library

What are the goals?



  1. Competitive Audit

    Involved analyzing existing applications' features, strengths, and weaknesses that track books, audiobooks, and podcasts.

2. Survey

The six individuals interviewed used various methods to track their media consumption, either through apps or mentally.

Drawing from the user experience, I identified three essential survey insights during my interview and audit, outlining their journey and the desired features they would like to see in the application

Survey Insights


Media Tracking

Individuals are using multiple applications to track their progress and find new things to consume

Most individuals are seeking out recommendations for new content and are discovering them through word of mouth, friends and family, apps, and social media


Category Discovery

People are interested in exploring challenges to encourage more reading and listening 




The target audience will likely be individuals who want to track their progress in a centralized platform. The application is suitable for users of all ages, but the primary users are expected to be tech-savvy individuals aged between 18-35.



Various prototypes were explored, including creating a new group challenge, accessing the discussion board, and adding content to the user's library.


Reflecting on Research

How will this encourage users to track their consumption?

How will this produce suggestions for users to consume?

How will this enable collaborative consumption tracking

With the above questions in consideration, the next phase involved exploring various iterations to create an efficient and user friendly interactive experience.



Testers were asked to locate a group challenge page and add a new person. The below image conveys the heat map generated during their completion of the task.

Maze heat map analysis evaluated the usability and user interaction with the design.



Testing Methodology


Users got lost and struggled with the task of "adding a new member to the group Page Turners." 

Design Iterations


Prototypes lacked clarity in the area of adding new members to the group Page Turners.


The color palette creates a cohesive and visually appealing design that enhances the user experience. The neutral beige provides a calming backdrop, while the dark green adds depth and a connection to nature. The amber-orange accents inject energy and draw attention to key elements, making the application engaging and inviting. Overall, these colors create a warm, natural look that fits the application's concept and fosters a welcoming environment.

Style Guide



Throughout the challenge, users can track their progress and see how they are doing compared to their friends. Adding a competitive element to the challenge allows users to stay motivated and accountable while the app provides helpful tracking tools to ensure a successful challenge experience.


Creating a New Group Challenge

The discussion board allows members to leave comments, and share their thoughts, takeaways, or anything else they want to discuss related to the challenge. To further organize the conversation, users can tap on a comment to open a thread that further expands the discussion.


View Group Discussion Board

Users can scroll through the explore page, find a podcast they're subscribed to with a new episode, and add it to their "Want to Listen" library for easy access without searching again later.


Adding an Episode to Library



Expanding User Testing for Refinement

Conduct additional testing with a larger audience to refine app features.

Profile Page Development for Community and Personalization


Desire to develop a profile page showcasing user stats, library, and personalized information to emphasize community and personalization.

Community and Personalization for User Engagement


The importance of creating a sense of community and personalization within an app to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.